Lambert Village
3 Parklane Way, Strathmore, AB T1P 1N6
Phone: 403-934-2269
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Lambert Village is a 50+ complex with privately owned unit's, featuring many amenities including social and dining areas, pool table, exercise room, a guest suite, and plenty of visitor parking.
If you are interested in learning more about our independent living seniors community or to find out what it’s like to live in a community like ours, please come by.
A little bit about us: Lambert Village has 40 units of various sizes, which are all privately owned. There are always opportunities to become involved if that interests you. Five volunteers are appointed from the owners to sit on the condominium board, which serves to protect the financial, safety, social and maintenance needs of the condominium.
But the most valuable aspect of living at Lambert Village isn’t the building, it is the opportunity to connect with other residents. It is an enjoyable, healthy and balanced environment that promotes an interactive and supportive community.
If you want to learn more, we would love to chat with you, our contact information is above.
We are professionally managed by Accredited Condominium Management Calgary